
Friday, May 26, 2017

Going through the old scan folder..

Just perusing the old scan folder. I feel like some of these cards are underappreciated. I just picked up a nice Ryan Howard PC piece but I have not gotten my scanner up and running yet. I'm pretty busy this weekend (as I'm sure most people are since its the long weekend) but I want to get that done this week. I have a bunch of new things to scan and some old things.

Here is the card I was talking about..

A real sleek looking bat knob. I remember when these were first hitting the market and the prices were way out of my league. Thankfully they have come down to more manageable levels for non Hall of  Fame or vintagey players. I'm sure a Ty Cobb or whatever bat knob commands quite a premium.

Hope everyone enjoys the long weekend, hope the weather stays nice as well!

Friday, May 19, 2017

Because I want too..

Mic Drop...

Still excited to own the centerpiece of any Big Hurt collection!

Thanks for stopping by!

Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Some stuff

Not the most creative title. Just showing off some random stuff.

I bought this card for a dollar when I was about 10 or so. It was in one of those local mall shows that rarely happen anymore. Still have the card all these years later. I'm have this card, the Mantle and the Phillies team set. One day I'll complete the rest of 1955 Bowman. One of my favorite vintage sets.

Check out the power on this card. Bo Jackson, Ruben Sierra and Mark McGwire. As far as I know Bo never took steroids but he destroyed his hip playing football. I watched that 30 for 30 on him and they showed how his entire hip popped out and he just kind of kept running. Sierra who knows, but McGwire "Let's not talk about the past" all but admitted he took quite a bit of Andro to hit all those home runs. I enjoyed 1998 as much as the next guy but it's a shame the way its looked back on now even though it really brought back baseball after the 1994 strike.

A Phillies great 1969 Topps Richie Allen. He had quite a solid career. In 1996 he received 18% of the hall of fame vote.Good enough to get a mention in the Hall of Very good, just not quite good enough to get into Cooperstown. His most similar hitter is one of the Killer B's, Lance Berkman. According to baseball reference his highest yearly salary was 200K a year. Thats less then the league mininum now. Crazy!

Thanks for reading!