
Saturday, June 24, 2017

Ryan Howard Rookie auto!

Been slow on posting. I know, busy month, but I did get in a new Ryan Howard for the ole PC. I'm still on the lookout for the rare stuff and anything that catches my eye. This is my 2nd copy of this particular card. The other one is BGS graded, just need a raw copy to complete the 'set'. (full disclosure I bought these graded did not send them in myself)

Numbered 49 out of 100. Solid auto of his. I wonder if he had Bowman Chrome autos what they would've gone for back in the day. He went nuts his rookie season and won the ROY. Aaron Judge is basically a shoe in for ROY (right?) and hes prices have gone insane. I've been enjoying this baseball season as a whole. Lots of good players to watch even with Trout out.

Thanks for reading!

Wednesday, June 7, 2017


I recently picked up this fun card for my wife. She is a avid squirrel card collector. If my count is correct she is now up to 3 different cards. Still searching for the ever elusive 2012 Topps Squirrel card for a reasonable price (there's a few ridiculous buy it nows). What I like about this 2015 version is that it's actually a Phillies card!

Look at the one lady ducking and the one exuberant young man taking a quick photo. Lots to see in this card. The guy in the red hat missed his chance at fame because something else besides the Squirrel caught his attention. I've always wanted to be in the background of a semi prominent base card (not too prominent I value my privacy and I would obviously be way too famous if it was a prominent card). Also, I would like to sit directly behind the dugout, those are some swank seats. I'm more of a Upper Deck baseball fan when I go to the stadium. I like 400 level behind home plate, can see the whole field with a good view of the beautiful Philly skyline.

Enjoy Squirrels, hope they don't eat all of your bird feeders!

Thanks for reading!

Sunday, June 4, 2017

A long foreshadowing post..

Since I'm such an astute writer. I did some foreshadowing in my previous post. I showed a pretty sweet Bat Knob that I had picked up a few years ago. Little did you know that I recently picked up another one! I have not 1, but 2 Bat Knobs in my Ryan Howard collection! I could, in theory, if I became a woodworker, build 2 brand new bats with these as the base of them.

It was surprisingly easy to install the scanner software on my new system. I should've done it a while ago my bad.

Without further delay here is my new Bat Knob!

Despite the no logo on the helmet it's a fetching card. I like the character of the knob itself. Clearly got some use from Howard and has his number written on the bottom. Now I have a horizontal version and a vertical version. I need the elusive diagonal version and the set will be complete.

Thanks for reading! Maybe one day the Phillies will be fun to watch again!