
Friday, September 14, 2012

Trade with Play at the Plate!

Another trade that I received this week was with Brian from Play at the Plate. He inquired about a couple Joe Mauers I received in my Topps Chrome case (see previous posts to see everything I received in the case). I am attempting to complete the Archives master set. He literally sent me every insert he had. It will definitely take a chunk out of want list. I will get that updated at some point, works been busy. And Brian I still owe you the return package. I'll get that together before the weekend is up. I'll see what Rangers I can find.

Without futher ado:

This is just a small sampling each little sleeve had 2 or 3 cards in it. I really like the 3D set and the Deckle Edges. 

Thanks for the trade! 

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