
Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Trade with Jeff!

Recently, I participated in a 100% of artifacts group break over at The Daily Dimwit. It was a fun break and I got one John Kruk Relic. Apparently my team hit another relic and Mr Dimwit nor myself noticed (In fairness the jersey was different then the text which is easy to miss). Jeff of 2 by 3 Heroes did notice and happened to want the relic. He kindly offered to mail me a relic in exchange.

He sent me a sweet Jeff Carter relic, my first of the former Flyers star:

Not only that he threw in a whole bunch of extras!!

 Some sweet Frank Thomas's to add to my growing collection!

Some more Frank Thomas's! and a couple of cool Phillies. (What is the Joe Blanton from? 2011 Topps Black but its not numbered any info is appreciated!) The card that is flashed out (love my 10 year old camera) is a Ryan Howard gold numbered out of 2007.

My Frank Thomas collection is quickly growing thanks to the generosity of you guys out there!


  1. I'll overlook the Flyers love for someone that has a Big Hurt PC. :) At least you don't cheer for the Red Wings.

    Thanks again for the really simple trade.

  2. That Blanton's the Walmart parallel that was only in blasters from 2009-2011. now, they have the blue-bordered ones. aren't i full of useless info?
