
Sunday, March 17, 2013

A White Whale added to the Collection!

Ever since I was a little kid and 1993 Finest Refractors came out, I always wanted one. The packs were always way out of my price range (in fact they still are out of my price range). I thought about biting the bullet and spending the money to buy a box and get the guaranteed one refractor per box. After looking at the singles online it only made sense if you hit one of the big stars as far as money goes.

So instead of doing that I decided to chase down a Phillies refractor from that year! 1993 was a great year for the Phils so many fan favorites to go for! I ended up with the Wild Thing!

Shipped in this nice magnetic one touch case. (of course I cropped out the top so you can't tell that)

I think I did well on the price. Cost me 15 dollars delivered. If anyone has a line on the other Phillies 1993 refractors and it won't break the bank, I am interested! (Or if you happen to have one for trade I would definitely make it worth your while).

Whats your child hood "white whale" ? I know this one wasn't crazy expensive or anything but it still took me 20 years to acquire!

Thanks for reading!


  1. Pretty card! Since there was only Topps when I was a child I guess my white whale would have been a complete set, any year 1967-71. I do have white whales now. Just caught one recently.

    1. I would love to complete a set 60s or before.. just havent had the wherewithal to devote those kinds of resources to that kind of project (although I already have the Mantles)

  2. My childhood "white whale" is a 1997 Upper Deck Ken Griffey Jr. jersey card. The first baseball game-used jersey cards ever. I have gotten the Gwynn and the Ordonez cards, but the Griffey rarely ever comes up for sale and when it does it is way out of my price range. Maybe someday!

    1. I almost acquired one, my brother bought it for me several years ago and it actually got lost in the mail and never arrived.. probably on the floor in some warehouse.

  3. Very nice! These '93 Finest refractors were THE cards to get when I was a kid at the time too. Never had one as a kid, but I have since picked up Will Clark for my player collection and John Olerud. Wouldn't mind grabbing a couple more someday...

    1. The Will Clark probably wasn't cheap, I would love to get a Frank Thomas but people want too much for them, understandably.

  4. $15 ain't bad at all! Especially considering the last '93 Piazza that I know of went for just over $300!
