
Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Kinda tired tonight to actually write.. so Mickey Mantle Card Gallery!

Here is every Mickey Mantle card I own in no particular order!

Hope you enjoyed my little slice of history!

Thanks for reading (or looking in this case)!

Hopefully be back to regularly scheduled posting shortly!


  1. Are you kidding? If I owned even one of those, it would be in every post I ever wrote! Well, maybe not, but you get the idea. Holy crap!

    1. Thanks man! It took some time and a few resources to put these together but I'm quite happy with them. I could upgrade a couple but I'd rather put those resources to going after some other stuff I've had my eye on!

  2. Wow! I read all of your individual posts about these but seeing them all in one place is impressive! If you're looking to add one more I'd suggest the 1958 Topps All-Star, the very first year the All-Star subset was included in the flagship set. They can be had very cheap too considering...

    1. The problem I have with just getting the 58 all star card is then I would want all of them.. one day I will do that just not yet!

  3. Just when I think I'm getting a break from jealousy, envy and generally coveting your Mantle cards, you go and post all of them...IN ONE POST! ; )

    Seriously awe-inspiring collection you've got here.
