
Monday, April 15, 2013

Some Phillies Hits!

I'm a bit behind on scanning but I promise to catch up soon! I appreciate all the trades and want to give people the proper props! Just going to show some Phillies hits I recently picked up.

This is my first auto of the Hit King! I know he's signed a ton of stuff the last couple years so I picked this up at Wal Mart with a gift card! You get the whole set(some nice photos) and a Pete Rose auto guaranteed! Good deal if you ask me.

The Abreu and Carrasco were picked out of a bargain bin at the Philly Card Show back in March. As a side note I don't know why I call it the Philly Show when its about 40 minutes or so from Philly. Either way I got these there. The Relic is pretty cool and always looking to add autos of Phillies I don't have. Carrasco is fringe major leaguer right now but he still might make it. I think he will get another shot this year but he will have to make the most of it!

I have quite a bit to share and hopefully trade with you guys out there! I'm hoping when I start a new job in May I might have some more time to work out some deals among other things!

Thanks for reading!

1 comment:

  1. Great looking hits! I'm preferential to the "Bazooka Blast," but how could I not be?!
