
Friday, May 9, 2014

2 More Museums.... and a one card trade bait!

I was able to pick up 2 more Ryan Howard's the last week or so. They are both jumbo lumber relics.. which are different design of the other relics I showed but the same exact idea. More bat pieces! At least the card design is easier to tell apart. The card color border is more pronounced and noticable.

Check it!

This is the gold version numbered out of 10! I ended up paying .50 cents more for this one then the one at the bottom. Not bad! Nice cards overall but not worth 50-60 bucks a pack, unless you hit some hall of famer auto (check my previous post!)

Maybe the grain on the wood is different (haha) I do like the picture Topps used this time.

Now onto the one card trade bait. I happened to pick up this card chasing after a different card in the same lot. I figured no big deal, someone will trade with me!

It's Curtis Granderson and its numbered out of 5 and its wood and its mini! I know someone out there likes most or all of those things! I'd like something decent back but doesn't have to be numbered out of 5 or anything like that.

Here's a scan! Please claim in the comments and I'll respond at worse on Monday.

Happy Mother's Day!

Thanks for reading!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Both are great looking Museum Collection bat relics, congrats on the pick-ups. I'm also a fan of the Museum Collection brand and have one coming up on my post for Monday. So, we agree there. I'm also totally on-board with acquiring as many of the same good-looking #'d "x/x" cards, such as you're doing with the /10 and /25 Howard's above. Again, great pick-up's and good to see you again! Been a while, since my blog went down, etc.
