
Tuesday, September 9, 2014

A new Howard Auto!

At least it's new to me! Hope everyone had a wonderful weekend watching their favorite team or cheering on their fantasy teams. I personally have 5 fantasy teams. One league I've been in for 12 years (same guys cept one team). Another since 2005, and the oldest one I've been involved with in some capacity since I was 9. I've only had my own team in that one for a few years now since a slot opened up and they offered it to me. (They've been doing it for 35 years now!). Good times, if anyone wants to talk football I'm always interested!

Back to baseball!

Howard's been hitting decent in September. He's nearing 100 RBI's and 25 Home Runs. We'll see what happens this off season but personally(word of the day) I hope he sticks around in a Phillies uniform!

Check out this sweet card!

A nice auto relic from Topps Sterling! I like this set and whenever I can I'm happy to snag a few singles from it!

I'm collecting the Chrome Rainbow. If you happen to have the Red, Gold or Black refractor please let me know! I will trade and/or buy from you!

Thanks for reading!


  1. I only have two football teams this year. I won big in the important office league this week and lost by less than a point in my other league.

    That's a pretty nice auto/relic, with a little bit of color on the swatch to the left.

  2. Topps Sterling always had a nice design. Sweet card.

    Thankfully my fantasy team was in good shape last week. Stafford, Lynch and J Thomas had huge games.
