
Saturday, November 21, 2015

Giveaway: Please come on in!

It has been way way too long since I have done a contest or a giveaway. In the next month I am moving to a house and cards are heavy. Please help spare my back by taking some into your collections! I can't guarantee anything crazy to give away but I'll try and include at least one auto or relic in every package.

All YOU have to do is leave a quick comment saying you want in and e-mail me your address at brauer144 at gmail dot com I know I've traded with many of you but I tend to not save many addresses so I probably don't have it handy. Assume I don't have yours and you get cards. In your e-mail pick a team or teams that you are interested in and I can slant the package to those teams.

I will be attempting to mail everything on Tuesday of this week so I will close the giveaway Monday night at 10 PM.

I am expecting nothing in return for these cards but I know how generous the blogosphere is. Please do not send cards back to the address on the return envelope. I will provide my new address after we move if you want it.

And most importantly, Have fun!

Go Temple!

Thanks for reading!

Obligatory Picture:


  1. I'm in put me down for Braves and or Rays

  2. I've been wanting to reach out to you for a while anyway. Count me in for some Yankees, Rays, or Nats.

  3. I'm in put me down for Braves and or Rays

  4. Thats awesome, and generous. Emailed address.

  5. Very thoughtful. Pencil me in for Cardinals and/or Royals. Address on its way to U.

  6. Very nice you to do this. Email coming shortly. Thanks.

  7. I'm in, I'll email you my address. Put me down for some Reds, Bengals, or any defunct teams (Expos, STL Browns, etc)

  8. May the moving gods smile upon you. Email address has been sent.

  9. Yes you are generous! I haven't had the pleasure of trading with you. We need to rectify this situation after your move. I love Tigers n Astros!

  10. As a fellow Phillies collector, I'd love to find room in my collection for that Howard you got pictured there... just sayin' !!

  11. I also haven't traded with you but would look forward to doing so in the future. I am a Yankee fan but collect everything. Thanks!

  12. Thanks for the generous offer. If there are some Dodgers cards available, I'm in too.

  13. I am a Phillies collector also, send me your dupes as I am trying to get back in after years away.. Thanks!

  14. Thanks for the contest Brad. I collect Pre War, graded 10 tobacco cards and Mike Trout autos!

    Buccos/WVU :)

    1. I included all the graded 10 tobacco cards and Trout autos I have

  15. Brad -- good luck with your move! If you have any more Brewers around, I'd happily take them off your hands.
