
Tuesday, January 26, 2016

A Quick Relic!

Just saying hi! We survived the snow-apocalypse. We also shoveled 3 times on Saturday and twice on Sunday. My back did not love me afterward. I haven't seen this much snow at the same time since the blizzard of 1996. I was in elementary school at that time and we got the whole week off. Which was great until we had to make up all those days in June when we wanted to be on summer vacation. I unfortunately did not get to any baseball sorting but I sure did watch a bunch of TV and some movies. I successfully slept through Spectre (will have to try that one again).

Here is the relic I completely did not mention in the paragraph above.

I really like the Gypsy Queen frames. If I ever had the funds and drive to put together a relic set I'd strongly consider Gypsy Queen and A&G. First let me complete getting every Ryan Howard ever and then we'll get to that! Easy Peasy!

Thanks for reading, hope everyone is dug out by now!

1 comment:

  1. too much snow! glad to know all is well! weather like that is good for few things - one is enjoying the hobby!
