
Tuesday, June 12, 2018

I didn't forget still working on it!

Cards have been sorted out. My dining room table is currently a small mess. So far I have packaged up 2 large flat rates. I have to go by the post office and pick up a couple more. I have no idea whats in each. They will be random along with the 8 people that said they'd be cool with getting cards.

Wanted to show off this card..

Not sure if you can tell great by the scan this is a refractor. Apparently one of the short print refractors from 1994. I pulled it myself in a box a couple years ago. Pretty nice card.

Thanks for reading!

1 comment:

  1. Nice Orel refractor! Those were tough pulls back in the day-and I don't think anyone knew there were short-printed singles at the time.
