
Monday, July 29, 2019

Rhys Hoskins Gold Minted!

I hinted at this card a few posts back. Thanks for being patient. I finally did some scans! I am currently in between jobs so I had a minute to do it. (I wasn't fired or anything, voluntarily switching jobs for those that are wondering).

I was on the hunt for this card for a while.They are 1 per case but not numbered but they don't seem to come up super often.

The whole card is there, I'm just not good at scanning. The Gold really does pop in the light. I have one other gold minted card.A 2nd year Corey Seager I pulled myself in a box. I knew I had to get the Rhys rookie year for my ever burgeoning Hoskins collection.

Fantasy baseball Update.. I have 2 head to head leagues. One I clinched a playoff spot.1 week left in that one and I'm 3rd playing the 2nd place team. If I win decent I can jump him and get the bye. Either way I'm mathematically in. My other head to head currently in 5th and it's a close race, need a good week this week to stay in it. My rotisserie keeper league I'm firmly in the middle of the pack but I have 4 good keepers for next year (Betts, Hoskins, Springer and Arenado) so I just have to draft pitching and get a little lucky!

Thanks for reading!

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

My favorite card in my PC

Hi Everyone! I wanted to post something and I've been super bad about scanning so I don't have a ton in the folder at the moment. Do have some super old trades that I completed over a year ago which I know I'm terrible. I haven't been trading much lately mainly due to time and I don't have a ton of new cards in general. I've been much more focused in my collecting then just buying everything I see. I like to grab a blaster here or there just to see what sets look like in person but mainly pick up singles. I really do want to bust a Chrome case but the prices are just too high at the moment.

Back to the topic at hand, this is my favorite card in my PC. I pulled it personally in 1993. I opened 1 box of 1993 Donruss and got it!

It's numbered out of a minuscule 10,000. The exact odds were never revealed according to wikipedia but the general consensus is 1 in 45 boxes. I remember pulling the card when my family was visiting my Aunt in Massachusetts at that time. We posted the card up on those message board things in the early 90s to see if I could sell it. One person offered me 35 dollars and I turned it down. It's still probably worth roughly that but the nostalgic factor is way way higher.

What's your favorite PC card? I have some expensive cards of course but this one ranks #1.

Thanks for reading!

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Some cards from 2016!

In honor of the National coming up I am going to post some cards that I received in the last national I went to in Atlantic City in 2016. I went for 2 days and had a blast. It was baseball card heaven. So many awesome pieces and anything from low end to high end and museum quality. I am saving up for next year in Atlantic City and planning to spend more then 2 days and have a bigger budget. I haven't yet trekked out to Chicago but one day I will. I used to live in Chicago but at that time I was in between collecting and didn't realize what was right in my backyard (or 40 minute-ish train ride) at the time.

These cards were the promo cards that Topps gave out if you bought certain boxes or cases. We purchased a couple Topps Chrome boxes and a Ginter box to get the packs. Hit a Trevor Story blue auto and a Tyler White gold auto in the Chrome. Pretty solid.

These base cards are pretty thick and shiny. They did the set well this year. Didn't pull any base numbered parallels but did manage to get 2 autos in 7 packs. One was an Austin Meadows which I sold last year and the other is Jorge Mateo which I still have upstairs.

And since we are talking the National in 2016. The centerpiece of my collection..

*Drops the Mic*

Thanks for reading!

Wednesday, July 10, 2019

2018 Topps Heritage High Blaster Break (2 boxes)

I was able to get my hands on one of these to break not to long ago. I know blasters don't usually pay off big but I like that I don't have to have a large monetary commitment to just see what the cards look like up close. Didn't do to bad though. Hit all the big names.

Soto, Gleyber Acuna and Ohtani. Couple rookies, couple inserts, no complaints here. The set for High Number is pretty small so to hit the big guys isn't too hard. For Bellinger's rookie year I opened 7 boxes back then and I now own 7 Bellingers. (also hit the Action Variation for those interested)

I was able to pick up one big Hoskins card this past week. I will scan it shortly and show everyone. I just think the look of the card is fantastic.

Hope everyone is enjoying their summer time. Thanks for reading!

Thursday, July 4, 2019

A little bit of Nola!

I have a small Aaron Nola collection going. I enjoy watching him pitch and have seen him in person several times. He had an outstanding year last year and has had some rough spots this year but he has the stuff to get through it. He pitched a gem earlier this week against the Braves. For a while his auto's were basically all in the 10 dollar range. Pretty sure I got this one for that price.

Also, added bonus, his auto is actually nice looking. Doesn't have the scribble look as many other players seem to have these days. In fairness my autograph isn't all that great but no one is paying me (yet) to sign a card for them. I like the on-cardness of Gypsy Queen. I am not a fan of the price of the boxes though so I stick to singles if I'm getting anything.

Here is a nice quartet of Bowman and rookie cards. Nothing crazy but decent action shots.

Hopefully everyone enjoyed the holiday and if you had the time off enjoyed that as well.

Thanks for reading!