
Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Some cards from 2016!

In honor of the National coming up I am going to post some cards that I received in the last national I went to in Atlantic City in 2016. I went for 2 days and had a blast. It was baseball card heaven. So many awesome pieces and anything from low end to high end and museum quality. I am saving up for next year in Atlantic City and planning to spend more then 2 days and have a bigger budget. I haven't yet trekked out to Chicago but one day I will. I used to live in Chicago but at that time I was in between collecting and didn't realize what was right in my backyard (or 40 minute-ish train ride) at the time.

These cards were the promo cards that Topps gave out if you bought certain boxes or cases. We purchased a couple Topps Chrome boxes and a Ginter box to get the packs. Hit a Trevor Story blue auto and a Tyler White gold auto in the Chrome. Pretty solid.

These base cards are pretty thick and shiny. They did the set well this year. Didn't pull any base numbered parallels but did manage to get 2 autos in 7 packs. One was an Austin Meadows which I sold last year and the other is Jorge Mateo which I still have upstairs.

And since we are talking the National in 2016. The centerpiece of my collection..

*Drops the Mic*

Thanks for reading!

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