
Wednesday, August 14, 2019

2 Box Ginter Break

Despite Gint-A-Cuffs taking a year hiatus (I have no doubt it will be back strong next year) the wife and I decided to crack open 2 boxes of Ginter anyway. It was a fun break and we did pretty well odds wise.

The framed relics are rarer as in the last couple years. Two years in a row hit the Benintendi framed relic. The three other guys are Miguel Cabrera, Yadi Molina and David Dahl. Two future hall of famers and an up and comer, not bad.

Also, got this autograph in the wife's box in the last pack. Saw the blue jays team and got excited.. oh well wrong guy but still nice to hit an auto in Ginter.

Hit a nice rare Brooklyn Back mini of Orlando Cepeda. Second one of these in 2 years after never hitting any. 

Hit this Paul Molitor rip card. This is now the third rip card that I've personally pulled. The other 2 were double rips and are still intact.. this one yielded....

A Johnny Bench EXT mini.

Overall very fun break.

I am looking for these base cards if anyone has them to trade or sell.

5 11 19

30 39 48 50 53
56 61 65 67
91 94 105 112 119
123 125 130 137 139
160 162 166 168
183 195 204 211 213 218 222 229 236

260 264 266 278 280 281 290 293 299                                         


  1. I have never gotten a rip card, nor am I overly familiar with them, so I'm curious, was that Bench mini worth ripping the card for? Or now knowing what was in there, would it have been better to leave it intact?

    1. The Molitor unripped ripped card would've sold for about 50 bucks maybe 60 on a good day. The Bench mini is probably 25ish and the ripped ripped card is probably 10ish so probably lost a little bit on the value.

  2. Here's a link to my list of 2019 Ginter trade bait:
