
Saturday, February 15, 2020

A gift and a trade!

I recently received a nice package from Too Many Verlanders. I am looking for something cool to send him back. I plan on hitting up a card show in the next few weeks so hopefully can find something there.

The Scott Rolen auto is a like a larger photo type of thing. Pretty cool. I always appreciate the Ryan Howards and I know a few of them are new to me. Anything numbered is appreciated. I always liked Upper Deck Masterpieces too. That set is just nice.

A while ago I did a small trade with Cards Your Mom Threw Out. I am failing at finding the link to his blog at the moment. Please post if someone has it and I will update this post.
He helped me out with my want list (which shockingly is still up to date but I've been super lazy about actually hunting those cards down). Always appreciate any Frank Thomas cards. I have a couple binders full of his base/insert card and they are super fun to flip through.

I only have 1 card left for the Phillies Sapphire Chrome Team set. Once I get it in, I'll be sure to share those. They are super shiny in person.

Spring Training has begun! Thank for reading!

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