
Monday, April 6, 2020

Some more Rhys!

I've been slowly adding to the Rhys Hoskins collection. Been pretty selective and looking for solid deals. I recently was able to add this nice card to the collection.

This is the color swap variation (notice the Phillies is white). They don't come up too often and I was able to snag it for about 20 bucks which I'm good with.

Here's the regular action variation for comparison.

Have one more Rhys coming in that I purchased the other day will be sure to scan it when I get it! Hope everyone is doing well! I'm thankful everyday that I do not have neighbors above me (no longer live in an apartment)

Thanks for reading!

1 comment:

  1. Nice color swap. I have an on demand Dynamic Duals of Cutch and Rhys in a pile for you.
