
Monday, June 22, 2020

A couple more trades completed!

I haven't been great about posting things that people have sent me. I am still trying to re-organize (or organize for the first time) all the Phillies cards people have sent me through the years. I feel comfortable in my Ryan Howard organization and Frank Thomas. Also, comfortable on my auto/relics organization for Phillies. Still working on/trying to figure out the non Phillies. Some I consider PC cards that would be quite hard for me to trade others I would definitely trade for similar Phillies cards. One day I'll get there! It's nice to have goals.

I recently completed 2 trades (3 this past month!) with reader Oren and Jim from GCRL fame (his blog went quiet but he still reads and is easy to trade with)

Oren sent me some Phillies and Eagles and Flyers.

I've always been a fan of Matt Read. He had a couple 20 goal seasons early in his career but never developed completely into that goal scorer.

Jim took a bite out of the want list..

Here are the non set cards he sent me. Besides these he was able to knock off about 40 cards from my team set and set collection lists. 2002 Upper Deck Vintage is completely done with what he sent and the boxes I had posted previously. The Greats card of Roy Halladay is real nice, its way thicker then the normal card stock. I'm forever a fan of any Cognac refractor from 2011 Topps. They look good on all the cards in that set. If I had more money I would go after all of those and the Blue Hope Diamond ones (I currently have 1 blue one)

Thanks for the trades and thanks for reading!


  1. Jim is still very much actively blogging, and can be found at:

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