
Tuesday, November 5, 2013

I'm still here -- Water card

Been crazy busy, but I will get back to regular posting in the near future. Have a large stack of cards to scan and gotta thank some people for trades and contests etc. In the mean time check out this funky card. It is actually full of water.

Good player too, borderline hall of famer in my opinion.

Thanks for reading!


  1. Never seen those before, pretty interesting.

  2. Gimmicky, no doubt, but that's friggin' cool!

  3. The 90s was a time of baseball card creativity. What is the card stock like?

    1. It's a bit thicker then a base card (maybe 3 or 4 base cards thick) but its like the front is sealed to put the plastic with the water on top kinda like a snow globe. I think I paid 2 bucks at the last show I was at for the card. Just was too interesting to let go.

  4. After seeing this, I ran over to eBay and bought a lot of 8 of these watery puppies.
